About WTQA

Wushu Tai Chi & Qigong Australia Inc. (WTQA) is an independent, inclusive, not-for-profit association with the principal aim of promoting the benefits & improving the standards of these arts across Australia. 

From its very beginnings, WTQA has held the vision of a united and supportive Australian Wushu Community. We are an independent, inclusive association, joined in the common aim of developing knowledge, improving standards, supporting practitioners, promoting the Chinese martial and healing arts.

WTQA stands by its commitment to co-operation, education and excellence, and, in so doing, will open pathways for all our members to pursue these practices, confident of the support and backing of a strong, flexible and focused organisation.

WTQA will continue to build on its original foundation, presenting the Wushu Tai Chi and Qigong Festival each year. As a goal in itself, the competition provides a safe, friendly environment for participants to come together and challenge themselves in a public forum; a proving ground and stepping stone for our future athletes, coaches and judges wanting to test their skills before international competition; and a chance for fellow members and the general public to experience the colour and variety of our vibrant wushu community.

With the aim of broadening our horizons in all directions, WTQA will continue to research, develop and present other avenues of interest and of benefit to our members.

We are united in our passion and our shared experience of the far-reaching benefits found in practicing these arts. We hope to share this passion with you by offering information about these arts, presenting events each year, opening pathways and levels of access for joining our association and providing access to WTQA affiliated instructors, classes and schools across Australia.

These arts allow and encourage participation on many levels - the only thing for you to do is to choose your starting point... Our association is the best place to go to find where that starting point might be. Please drop us a line with any questions you may have and we'll be happy to tell you more about these arts and where our recognised schools and instructors can be found in your area.